Drill Ranking List

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Drill Score Ranking List - Page 3

# Name Pts Country
101. obukov 50
102. fredi58 49
103. doctd7 48
104. coigach 48
105. wslich 46
106. robertine 45
107. pierre2020 45
108. markus_tein 44
109. snyckers 42
110. mazra 41
111. bohus 39
112. bedoya68 39
113. adam015 39
114. pyrrhon 38
115. acarballar 38
116. antttonius 37
117. vmaltezos 36
118. renate otterbach 36
119. mringo11 36
120. javolenus 36
121. galessin 36
122. joshuacarre 35
123. cb69 34
124. frozenheart 33
125. nand_1996 32
126. alex ahl 32
127. t13 31
128. mw testing 31
129. chesspreparation 31
130. andymaster 31
131. jackej 30
132. rogerblasco 29
133. olfreddy 29
134. nupodnu 28
135. kborkowski 28
136. jsme 28
137. misterchessonline 27
138. maitreyi_mondal 27
139. juanl 27
140. happymathematician 27
141. taltaffy 26
142. sonnenwolf 26
143. panila 26
144. ironstealth 26
145. g_irina 26
146. dshaw 26
147. sandesh03 24
148. gucky2 24
149. dewe19 24
150. boo82 24